Results for 'Herbert Horst Johannes Peisel'

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  1.  27
    Zwischen Hoffnung und Aussichtslosigkeit – ethische Fragen zur Alternativmedizin.Herbert Kappauf & Johannes Gobertus Meran - 1998 - Ethik in der Medizin 10 (4):241-247.
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  2. Herders Philosophie.Johann Gottfried Herder & Horst Stephan - 1906 - Dürr.
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    Fatigue-Related and Timescale-Dependent Changes in Individual Movement Patterns Identified Using Support Vector Machine.Johannes Burdack, Fabian Horst, Daniel Aragonés, Alexander Eekhoff & Wolfgang Immanuel Schöllhorn - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:551548.
    The scientific and practical fields—especially high-performance sports—increasingly request a stronger focus be placed on individual athletes in human movement science research. Machine learning methods have shown efficacy in this context by identifying the unique movement patterns of individuals and distinguishing their intra-individual changes over time. The objective of this investigation is to analyze biomechanically described movement patterns during the fatigue-related accumulation process within a single training session of a high number of repeated executions of a ballistic sports movement—specifically, the frontal (...)
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  4.  8
    Gerechtigkeit und Nutzen: Studien zur ciceronischen und hellenistischen Naturrechts- und Staatslehre.Horst-Theodor Johann - 1981 - Heidelberg: Winter.
  5. Trauer und Trost.Horst-Theodor Johann - 1968 - München,: W. Fink.
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    Trauer und Trost.Horst-Theodor Johann - 1968 - München,: W. Fink.
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    Hippias von Elis und der Physis-Nomos-Gedanke.Horst-Theodor Johann - 1973 - Phronesis 18 (1):15-25.
  8. Herbert Schneider: Johannes Duns Scotus zur Frage: Kann ich Gott über Alles lieben? Text des Johannes Duns Scotus in vier Sprachen. [REVIEW]Herbert Schneider - 2002 - Wissenschaft Und Weisheit 65 (1):143-143.
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    Plutarch: three studies.Johannes Schroetter, Herbert Holtorf & Bernard Latzarus (eds.) - 1911 - New York: Garland.
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    A novel pillar indentation splitting test for measuring fracture toughness of thin ceramic coatings.M. Sebastiani, K. E. Johanns, E. G. Herbert, F. Carassiti & G. M. Pharr - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (16-18):1928-1944.
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  11. Herders Philosophie, Ausgewählte Denkmäler Herausg. Von H. Stephan.Johann Gottfried von Herder & Horst Stephan - 1906
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  12.  30
    Alterskulturen Und Potentiale des Alters.Jörg Vögele, Johannes Siegrist, Hans-Georg Pott, Andrea von Hülsen-Esch, Christoph auf der Horst, Henriette Herwig, Monika Gomille & Heiner Fangerau (eds.) - 2007 - Akademie Verlag.
    Das Altern ist nicht nur eine biologische, sondern auch eine kulturelle Tatsache. Als Objekt der Verhandlungen zwischen Wissensdiskursen erscheint Alter als ein ebenso heterogenes wie problematisches Phanomen, das von Werturteilen und Weltanschauungen bestimmt wird. Des Weiteren sind Alter und Medizin in der offentlichen Meinung moderner Gesellschaften eng miteinander verbunden. Das interdisziplinare Forschungsprojekt "Kulturelle Variationen und Reprasentationen des Alters" geht von einem erweiterten, die geistes-, sozial- und medizinwissenschaftlichen Diskurse integrierenden Konzept von Alterskulturen und Potentialen des Alters aus. Dies bedeutet, Alter als (...)
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  13. A Classical Explanation of Quantization.Gerhard Grössing, Johannes Mesa Pascasio & Herbert Schwabl - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (9):1437-1453.
    In the context of our recently developed emergent quantum mechanics, and, in particular, based on an assumed sub-quantum thermodynamics, the necessity of energy quantization as originally postulated by Max Planck is explained by means of purely classical physics. Moreover, under the same premises, also the energy spectrum of the quantum mechanical harmonic oscillator is derived. Essentially, Planck’s constant h is shown to be indicative of a particle’s “zitterbewegung” and thus of a fundamental angular momentum. The latter is identified with quantum (...)
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    Long-Term Effects of Home-Based Family Therapy for Non-responding Adolescents With Psychiatric Disorders. A 3-Year Follow-Up.Egon Bachler, Benjamin Aas, Herbert Bachler, Kathrin Viol, Helmut Johannes Schöller, Marius Nickel & Günter Schiepek - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  15. Johann Gottfried v. Herder und die deutung des Lebens; Grundlagen der Bildungswirklichkeit.Herbert Flemming - 1939 - Berlin,: Junker und Dünnhaupt.
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    Johannes Duns Scotus: seine Spiritualität und Ethik.Herbert Schneider (ed.) - 2000 - Kevelaer: Butzon & Bercker.
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    Friedrich der Große im Urteil von Johann Kaspar Lavater.Horst Weigelt - 1983 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 35 (4):335-351.
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  18.  38
    Secularity and modernity? A brief response to Herbert de vriese.Johann Rossouw - 2010 - Sophia 49 (3):429-432.
    In this brief response to Herbert De Vriese’s The Charm of Disenchantment, his attempt to link secularism and modernity is questioned. Criticism is leveled at De Vriese’s use of the correspondence between Voltaire and Frederick the Great without reference to the historical context, notably the confessional states that existed between roughly 1650 and 1800 in Europe. De Vriese’s apology for disenchantment and modernity is also questioned in the light of both modern religious and secular responses to modernity as exemplified (...)
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  19.  9
    Utopische Intention und eschatologische Perspektive: Marcuses Herausforderung an d. christl. Sozialethik.Horst Herion - 1979 - Cirencester/U.K.: Lang.
    Herbert Marcuses bestechend nuchterne Gesellschaftskritik (-Eindimensionalitat-) und sein Entwurf einer qualitativ anderen Gesellschaft zielen auf eine menschlich gestaltete Zukunft ab. Diese neomarxistische Utopie muss eine Sozialethik herausfordern, die sich aufgrund der eschatologischen Perspektive des Glaubens zur Kritik am Bestehenden und zum Einsatz fur eine menschlichere Zukunft verpflichtet fuhlt. - Wie lasst sich diese Herausforderung annehmen?".
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  20. Drei Freischärler des Geistes : Ernst Jünger, Horst Janssen und Bob Dylan.Johannes Thoemmes - 2015 - In Georg Knapp (ed.), Freiheit. Tübingen: Attempto Verlag Tübingen.
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    Mitzulieben bin ich da: Leben als Christ nach Johannes Duns Scotus.Herbert Schneider - 1996
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    Lourus S. Filius, The Arabic Version of Aristotle’s Historia Animalium. Book I–X of the Kitāb al-Hayawān. A Critical Edition with Introduction and Selected Glossary by Lourus S. Filius. In Collaboration with Johannes den Heijer (and) John N. Mattock. Aristoteles Semitico-Latinus 23. Brill, Leiden–Boston 2019, IX + 539 S. ISBN 978-90-04-31595-2.The Arabic Version of Aristotle’s Historia Animalium. Book I–X of the Kitāb al-Hayawān. [REVIEW]Herbert Eisenstein - 2021 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 98 (2):584-586.
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    Historik: historische-kritische Ausgabe / von Peter Leyh und Horst Walter Blanke.Johann Gustav Droysen - 1977 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog. Edited by Peter Leyh & Horst Walter Blanke.
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    Historik: historische-kritische Ausgabe / von Peter Leyh und Horst Walter Blanke.Johann Gustav Droysen - 1977 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog. Edited by Peter Leyh.
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    The German Tradition: Uniting the Opposites : Goethe, Jung & Rilke.Jack Herbert - 2001
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    Die Differentialrechnung nach Leibniz - eine Rekonstruktion.Hans Joachim Burscheid & Horst Struve - 2001 - Studia Leibnitiana 33 (2):163 - 193.
    In the history of mathematics Leibniz as one of the scientists who developed the calculus of differentials has an outstanding position. However, it is difficult to reconstruct his theory in a consistent way. The main problem is the concept of differential. For an adequate understanding of this concept it is necessary to analyze how it is used. In this article we deal with the first systematic formulation of Leibniz' calculus, the Lectiones de calculo differentialium of Johann Bernoulli from 1691/92. It (...)
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  27.  39
    Eclecticism rediscovered.Ulrich Johannes Schneider - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (1):173-182.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Eclecticism RediscoveredUlrich Johannes SchneiderMichael Albrecht, Eklektik. Eine Begriffsgeschichte mit Hinweisen auf die Philosophie- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 1994 (Quaestiones 5), 771p.Patrice Vermeren, Victor Cousin. Le Jeu de la Philosophie et de l’Etat, Paris: Editions L’Harmattan, 1995 (Collection “La philosophie en commun”), 390p.Not so long ago eclecticism was held to be little more than a non-systematic form of thinking or constructing, and still today that is the generally (...)
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    The Structure-Phenomenological Concept of Brain-Consciousness Correlation.Johannes Wagemann - 2011 - Mind and Matter 9 (2):185-204.
    Based on a short presentation of the unexplained relation of brain and consciousness, the mereological fallacy is addressed as a main point of criticism on typical, especially materialistic attempts of solution. Facing the risk of an unrefected mixing of different descriptive levels, purified phenomenologies of brain and consciousness have to be elaborated. Comparing the analytical results, not only incommensurable aspects but also superordinated structure factors can be shown which allow us to formulate a first featurebased relation. Because this interim result (...)
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  29.  19
    Die Integralrechnung von Leibniz – eine Rekonstruktion.Hans Joachim Burscheid & Horst Struve - 2002 - Studia Leibnitiana 34 (2):127 - 160.
    For an appropriate understanding of Leibniz's calculus the concept of differential is a crucial one. In Die Differentialrechnung nach Leibniz -eine Rekonstruktion (published in this journal in 2001) the calculus differentialis of Leibniz was analysed. In this paper we deal with the first systematic formulation of the calculus integralis, the Lectiones mathematicae de methodo integralium aliisque of Johann Bernoulli from 1691/92. It will be pointed out that Leibniz's theory is consistent and can be reconstructed as an empirical theory within the (...)
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  30.  65
    Laboratory Replication of Scientific Discovery Processes.Yulin Qin & Herbert A. Simon - 1990 - Cognitive Science 14 (2):281-312.
    Fourteen subjects were tape‐recorded while they undertook to find a law to summarize numerical data they were given. The source of the data was not identified, nor were the variables labeled semantically. Unknown to the subjects, the data were measurements of the distances of the planets from the sun and the periods of their revolutions about it—equivalent to the data used by Johannes Kepler to discover his third law of planetary motion.Four of the 14 subjects discovered the same law (...)
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  31.  33
    Die Entstehung des Tensorkalkuls: Von den Anfangen in der Elastizitatstheorie bis zur Verwendung in der BaustatikDieter Herbert[REVIEW]Renatus Johannes Ziegler - 1994 - Isis 85 (1):178-179.
  32. Introduction.Hans-Johann Glock, Kathrin Glüer & Geert Keil - 2003 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 66 (1):1-5.
    Introduction to a collection of essays that celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Quine's paper "Two Dogmas of Empiricism". Contributor: Herbert Schnädelbach, Paul A. Boghossian, Kathrin Glüer, Verena Mayer, Christian Nimtz, Åsa Maria Wikforss, Hans-Johann Glock, Peter Pagin, Tyler Burge, Geert Keil und Donald Davidson.
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    Die Corona-Pandemie II: Leben lernen mit dem Virus.Walter Schaupp, Hans-Walter Ruckenbauer, Johann Platzer & Wolfgang Kröll (eds.) - 2021 - Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
    The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has confronted us with constantly new challenges. We need to browse new inventories of scientific knowledge to reflect on previous experiences and thus facilitate societal learning. In line with the first volume on the COVID-19 pandemic in this series, contributions from different disciplines and fields of practice create an awareness of the complexity of this crisis and help us to understand the diversity of challenges it poses. The first part focuses on philosophical, sociological and psychological problem (...)
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  34.  25
    Johannes Fontana. Opera iuvenalia de rotis horologiis et mensuris/Jugendwerke über Räder, Uhren und Messungen. Edited and translated by, Horst Kranz. 544 pp., illus., bibl., indexes. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2011. €74. [REVIEW]Rainer Leng - 2013 - Isis 104 (1):156-157.
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    Johannes Fontana, “Liber instrumentorum iconographicus”: Ein illustriertes Maschinenbuch., ed. and trans., Horst Kranz. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2014. Pp. 192; many black-and-white figures. €46. ISBN: 978-3-515-10660-3. [REVIEW]Amelia Carolina Sparavigna - 2015 - Speculum 90 (1):248-249.
    Introduction and discussion of a new German edition of the Bellicorum Instrumentorum Libri cum figuris et fictitijs literis conscriptus, Monaco di Baviera, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cod. Icon. 242. This manuscript is the machine book of Giovanni Fontana. Fontana describes siege engines and inventions such as a magic lantern and a rocket-propelled device.
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  36. Johann Amos comenius: Antisozinianische schriften. Teil 1-3 (= schriften zur triadik und ontodynamik 25). Deutsche erstübersetzung. Kommentiert und hrsg. V. Erwin Schadel. In zusammenarbeit mit Jürgen beer, Horst bulitta, Regine froschauer, Otto schönberger. [REVIEW]Konrad Moll - 2008 - Studia Leibnitiana 40 (1):114.
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    Johannes Feichtinger; Herbert Matis; Stefan Sienell; Heidemarie Uhl . The Academy of Sciences in Vienna, 1938 to 1945. Translated by Nick Somers and Cynthia Peck-Kubaczek. 270 pp., illus., apps., bibl., index. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2014. €19.90. [REVIEW]Klaas van Berkel - 2018 - Isis 109 (2):431-432.
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    Johannes Fontana. Liber instrumentorum iconographicus: Ein illustriertes Maschinenbuch. Edited, translated, and with an introduction by Horst Kranz. 192 pp., illus., index. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2014. €46. [REVIEW]Bert Hall - 2015 - Isis 106 (4):912-913.
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    Texte zur Systematologie und zur Theorie der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis. Johann Heinrich Lambert, Geo Siegwart, Horst D. Brandt.Frederick Gregory - 1990 - Isis 81 (3):575-576.
  40. Review article : Johannes Heinrichs, die logik der 'phänomenologie Des geistes'. (Bonn: Bouvier verlag Herbert Grundmann, 1974). Abhandlungen zur philosophie, psychologie und pädagogik, band 89; 559 pp., dm 65,-. [REVIEW]R. W. Cote - 1976 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 4 (2):209-216.
  41.  65
    Alf Önnerfors, Johannes Rathofer, Fritz Wagner: Literatur und Sprache im Europäischen Mittelalter: Festschrift für Karl Langosch zum 70. Geburtstag. Pp. 525. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1973. Cloth. - Horst Gericke, Manfred Lemmer, Walter Zöllner: Orbis Mediaevalis. Festgabe für Anton Blashka zum 75. Geburtstag. Pp. 274. Weimar: Hermann Böhlaus, 1970. Cloth, DM. 28. [REVIEW]P. G. Walsh - 1976 - The Classical Review 26 (1):156-156.
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    Rezension: Zienert-Eilts, Karin Johanna; Hegener, Wolfgang; Reicheneder, Johann Georg, Herbert Rosenfeld und seine Bedeutung für die Psychoanalyse. Leben – Werk – Wirkung.Andrea Huppke - 2022 - Psyche 76 (5):455-459.
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    Old Drugs in New BottlesResearches in the History of Pharmaceutical ChemistryGerald Schröder Robert Bohlmann Winfred Schröder Dietrich Arends Erika Hickel Wolfgang Schneider Herbert Wietschoreck Bhulabhai Patel Christian Wehle Mechthild Krüger Horst Matthias Real.Robert P. Multhauf - 1972 - Isis 63 (3):408-412.
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  44. Models and statistical inference: The controversy between Fisher and neyman–pearson.Johannes Lenhard - 2006 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 57 (1):69-91.
    The main thesis of the paper is that in the case of modern statistics, the differences between the various concepts of models were the key to its formative controversies. The mathematical theory of statistical inference was mainly developed by Ronald A. Fisher, Jerzy Neyman, and Egon S. Pearson. Fisher on the one side and Neyman–Pearson on the other were involved often in a polemic controversy. The common view is that Neyman and Pearson made Fisher's account more stringent mathematically. It is (...)
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    Brentano's theory of judgement.Johannes Brandl - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Augustine’s Notion of Freedom.Johannes Brachtendorf - 2007 - Augustinian Studies 38 (1):219-231.
  47. (2 other versions)Scientific discovery as problem solving.Herbert A. Simon, Patrick W. Langley & Gary L. Bradshaw - 1981 - Synthese 47 (1):3 – 14.
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    Modell, Modelltheorie und Formen der Modellbildung in der Literaturwissenschaft.Horst Flaschka - 1976 - Wien: Böhlau.
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    Schellings Briefe.Horst Fuhrmans - 1954 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 8:414.
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    Science Communication as a Boundary Space: An Interactive Installation about the Social Responsibility of Science.Maja Horst - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (3):459-482.
    Science communication has traditionally been seen as a means of crossing the boundary of science: moving scientific knowledge into the public. This paper presents an alternative understanding. Drawing upon a particular case of social science communication in the form of an interactive installation about the social responsibility of science, it develops the concept of boundary space where phenomena can simultaneously belong to science and nonscience. In addition, the paper describes how the installation functions as a space for interaction between knowledge (...)
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